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Basic German Grammar Topics

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  1. German-Gender of Nouns
    4 Topics
  2. German-Nominative
    4 Topics
  3. German-Numbers
    4 Topics
  4. German-Adjectives
    4 Topics
  5. German-Personal Pronouns & the Verb sein
    4 Topics
  6. German-Regular Verbs in the Present Tense
    4 Topics
  7. German-Plural Formation
    4 Topics
  8. German-Haben and the Accusative Case
    4 Topics
  9. German-Word Order
    4 Topics
  10. German-Definite Articles
    4 Topics
  11. German-Indefinite Articles
    4 Topics
  12. German-Negation
    5 Topics
  13. German-Modal Verbs
    4 Topics
  14. German-Separable Prefix Verbs
    4 Topics
  15. German-Coordinating Conjunctions
    4 Topics
  16. German-Konjunktiv I
    4 Topics
  17. German-Possessive Pronouns
    4 Topics
  18. German Question Words
    4 Topics
  19. German-Present Perfect of Regular Verbs
    4 Topics
  20. German-Present Perfect of Irregular Verbs
    4 Topics
  21. German-Present Perfect of Mixed Verbs
    4 Topics
  22. German-Dative Case
    5 Topics
  23. German-Two Way Prepositions
    4 Topics
  24. German-Dative Prepositions
    4 Topics
  25. German-Conditionals
    4 Topics
  26. German-Future Tense
    4 Topics
  27. German-Dative Verbs
    4 Topics
  28. German-Simple Past Tense
    4 Topics
  29. German-Imperative
    4 Topics
  30. German-Comparative
    4 Topics
  31. German-Temporal Prepositions
    4 Topics
  32. German-Present Perfect Separable Prefix Verbs
    4 Topics
  33. German-Irregular Verbs
    4 Topics
  34. German-Present Perfect Inseparable Prefix Verbs
    4 Topics
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temp prpositionenvor seit fr 1380c56748ffa4a6ea44475d4dde2e200 jpg

The temporal preposition ‘für’ is used when indicating duration (e.g. for a week).

‘Vor’ is used to indicate an event or activity that started and ended at some point in the past (English equivalent of adding “ago” to a time expression; e.g. four weeks ago / vor vier Wochen).

The temporal preposition ‘seit’ is used to indicate something that began in the past and continues into the present, as can be seen in this translation of the third example under “Seit wann?” above:

Ich fahre seit einem Jahr Auto. / I have been driving since last year.

Literally translated, “seit“ in German means since, but it is used other ways, too. In English, “since” is used to mark the beginning of a period of time (I have been here since 2015), whereas in German, “seit” can also be used similar to the way English speakers use “for,” and “vor” is used similar to the way English speakers use “ago.”

Vor 5 Jahren = 5 years ago

Seit 5 Jahren = For 5 years

Seit 2015 = Since 2015


ab – refers to a starting point in time (e.g. ab 10.00 Uhr / starting at 10:00)

bei – used when discussing an activity that one is doing (e.g. bei der Arbeit / while working/during work)

bis – ‘until’ (e.g. Ich muss bis 17.00 Uhr arbeiten. / I have to work until 5:00 pm.)

in – used in conjunction with a future time (e.g. in einer Stunde / in an hour)

nach – ‘after’ (e.g. nach der Pause / after the break)

seit – ‘for’; used when expressing something that happened in the past but continues on into the present (e.g. seit einer Woche / for a week; Ich lebe seit einem Jahr in Bonn. / I have been living for a year in Bonn.)

vor – ‘before’ or ‘ago’ (e.g. vor den Ferien / before the vacation/holidays; vor zwei Tagen / two days ago)


These temporal prepositions take the dative case, except ‘ab’ and ‘bis’ (the latter refer to particular times), which take the accusative (e.g. bis nächste Woche; ab den zehnten Juni). Further, the following questions are associated with these prepositions:

Ab wann?  →  ab  → ab Samstag

Bis wann?  →  bis  → bis 15 Uhr

Seit wann?  →  seit  →  seit zwanzig Jahren

Wann?  →  in  →  in einem Monat

Wie lange?*  →  bis  →  bis nächsten Dienstag

*’Wie lange?’ can also be answered without using a preposition (e.g. Wie lange dauert es? Zwei Stunden.).