Spanish Adverbs

An adverb is a word that complements or modifies the verb, an adjective or another adverb. They are similar to adjectives, however, adverbs describe how…

Spanish Directional Prepositions

Directional prepositions indicate the location of what is being talked about. If you want to know where something is, or how to get somewhere, or…

Spanish Commands with Pronouns

Reflexive, direct object and indirect object pronoun, must be attached to an affirmative command. In all cases, with affirmative commands, the object pronouns are attached…

Spanish Double Pronoun Order

To use double pronouns you substitute a noun for a pronoun. For example: Michael is giving the paper to Laura. Michael is giving the paper…

Spanish Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns are the pronouns that are used to connect sentences, and they are used to refer back to a noun, pronoun or phrase that…

Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns

The indirect object pronouns indicate the noun to who and for whom and action is intended. It also represents the action by which or to…

Spanish Direct Object Pronouns

The direct object pronoun stands for the noun, and agrees with it in number and gender. There are some rules when we use direct object…