German Articles and Cases: The Only German Cases Chart You’ll Need


German Articles and Cases can drive the most studious learner of the language crazy. Have no fear, we’ve broken it down into an extensive German cases chart for you. But before we even get into it, know that this list covers topics that beginners may want to save for later.  No matter your level, check out additional German content to help you successfully master the German language.


Here are the rules:

1. If there is no adjective, the definite and indefinite articles remain the same.

2. Rules for adding (s/es) to the end of a masculine or neuter noun in the genitive case:

  • -es should be added:
    • With nouns ending in -s, -ss/ß, -x, or -z
    • With nouns ending in -sch, -st, or -zt
    • With nouns ending in -nis: ending becomes -nisses
  • -s should be added:
    • With nouns ending in a vowel
    • With nouns ending in a vowel + -h
    • With proper names
    • With foreign names that don’t end in -s, -x, or -z
    • With nouns of more than one syllable where the stress is not on the final syllable

And now, for the Articles and Cases charts…

Definite articles and cases + adjective
Nom.der + -edas + -edie + -edie + -en
Acc.den + -endas + -edie + -edie + -en
Dat.dem + -endem + -ender + -enden + -en (n)
Gen.des + -en (s/es)des + -en (s/es)der + -ender + -en

Indefinite articles and cases + adjective
Nom.ein + -erein + -eseine + -ekeine + -en
Acc.einen + -enein + -eseine + -ekeine + -en
Dat.einem + -eneinem + -eneiner + -enkeinen + -en (n)
Gen.eines + -en (s/es)eines + -en (s/es)einer + -enkeiner + -en

Just adjectives and cases
Dat.-em-em-er-en (n)
Gen.-es (s/es)-es (s/es)-er-er


A quick bonus review…

  • Nominative case: the subject of the sentence; it is the noun according to which the verb is conjugated
  • Accusative case: the direct object, or a noun which follows an accusative preposition (durch, für, gegen, ohne, um)
  • Dative case: the indirect object, or a noun which follows a dative preposition (aus, außer, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu)
  • Genitive case: indicates possession

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