Why Learning German Online with a Teacher is Better than with an App

Why Learning German Online with a Teacher is Better than with an App

German is a widely spoken language in Europe and is a key language for business and travel. With the rise of online learning, many people are turning to language learning apps to help them learn German. However, taking online classes with a live teacher is a much better option for learning German than using language learning apps. In this article, we will explore the reasons why taking online classes with a live teacher is better than using language learning apps.

The Benefits of Online Classes with a Live Teacher

Personalized Attention

When you take online classes with a live teacher, you receive personalized attention. The teacher can answer your questions, provide feedback on your pronunciation, and help you with any areas where you’re struggling. With a language learning app, you don’t receive this level of personalized attention, which can make it more difficult to learn.

Again, personalized attention from a teacher can greatly aid in the process of learning German. According to 1, personalized learning allows teachers to observe students work and identify areas where the students need additional coaching. This provides the opportunity for teachers to provide extra support and helps to keep students from falling behind in their studies. Additionally, personalized learning paths that cater to individual student’s pace allow them to work on different skills at their own pace with the teacher’s monitoring and support when necessary. 2

Overall, learning German with a personalized approach from a teacher will allow you to receive individual attention, extra support, and a customized learning experience that caters to your unique pace and needs, which will ultimately lead to more effective and efficient learning.

Improved Interaction

In online classes with a live teacher, you have the opportunity to interact with the teacher and other students. This interaction can help you to better understand the language and to build your confidence in speaking German. In contrast, language learning apps don’t offer the same level of interaction and can leave you feeling isolated and frustrated.

Whether one wants improved interaction with a teacher or other students when learning German can depend on their personal learning style and preferences. On one hand, a teacher can provide personalized attention, which can help students to develop their language skills in a more efficient and effective way [1]. On the other hand, interaction with other students can also be beneficial, as it can provide opportunities for learners to practice their language skills in real-life situations, which can help to enhance their confidence and fluency in the language [3].

Having good relationships with a teacher or other students can also have a positive impact on a student’s overall learning experience. A supportive and nurturing learning environment can provide students with the guidance and support they need to succeed, which is especially helpful for older elementary students [2].

In conclusion, both improved interaction with a teacher and other students can have their own benefits when learning German, and it ultimately comes down to a student’s personal learning style and preferences as to which they would prefer.

Consistency and Accountability

When you take online classes with a live teacher, you are more likely to stick to your schedule and continue learning. The teacher provides structure and accountability, which can help you stay motivated and on track. With a language learning app, it’s easy to get sidetracked or lose motivation.

Accountability goes both ways! Accountability is the act of being responsible for one’s own actions and decisions. Similarly to a student being held accountable to a teacher, when a teacher is held accountable, students are able to experience greater freedom in expressing their concerns and are not burdened with excessive reliance on the teacher [3]. The teacher is able to hone their skills and correctly plan and execute activities for the classroom, making the learning experience more effective for the students. Additionally, having a teacher who is accountable helps students develop into independent learners by giving them responsibility [2]. As a result, accountability is also an important aspect of a successful teacher-student relationship and contributes to the overall success of the student’s education.

The Limitations of Language Learning Apps

Lack of Feedback

Language learning apps often lack the ability to provide meaningful feedback on your pronunciation or grammar. This can make it difficult to identify areas where you need to improve and can lead to bad habits forming. With a live teacher, you receive regular feedback, which can help you to make faster progress in your German language learning.

Language apps can be considered inadequate because they offer limited feedback, leading to an inadequate sense of success [1]. This lack of feedback can lead to students not understanding the areas in which they need to improve, which is important for language learning. Instead, the language apps rely on trivial means like avatars, points, and badges to keep students motivated, which does not guarantee actual progress in language learning [2]. The sources suggest that language learning apps can be a useful supplement, but not a substitute, as they can help learn basic words and constructions, but they cannot make a student fluent in the language [3].

Limited Interaction

Language learning apps are often limited in terms of interaction. You may have access to pre-recorded audio or text-based exercises, but you don’t have the opportunity to interact with a live teacher or other students. This lack of interaction can make it more difficult to build your confidence in speaking German and to understand the language.

According to [1], one reason that apps may provide limited interaction with other students is because they are often completely asynchronous, meaning there is limited interaction between students and instructors and among students themselves. This is due to the lack of real-time conversations during video lectures or when students post on discussion boards. Classes where students have opportunities to communicate with each other and discuss divergent understandings can help them effectively construct their knowledge and shape the direction of the class. It is noted that enabling students to interact with each other through technology such as discussion boards, telecommunication tools, and social collaboration tools can foster powerful relationships and improve their understanding of the material.

No Personalized Approach

Language learning apps are designed to be used by as many people as possible, so they are often not tailored to your individual needs and learning style. With a live teacher, you receive a personalized approach that is tailored to your individual needs, which can help you to make faster progress in your German language learning.

Personalization is important for a student learning German because it allows the student to receive education that is tailored to their specific needs, abilities, and learning style. When the education is personalized, it can better engage the student, keep them motivated, and ultimately lead to a more effective learning experience. Personalization in education can also address individual differences in prior knowledge, language proficiency, and interests, and can provide customized feedback and guidance to support learning. Personalization can also help students feel a sense of connection with the teacher, which can increase their motivation and engagement in the learning process. [1][2]


Q: Can I learn German faster with a live teacher or with a language learning app?

A: You are more likely to learn German faster with a live teacher than with a language learning app. A live teacher provides personalized attention, improved interaction, and consistency and accountability, which can help you to make faster progress in your German language learning.

Q: Do language learning apps provide personalized attention?

A: No, language learning apps do not provide personalized attention. They are designed to be used by as many people as possible, so they are often not tailored to your individual needs and learning style.

Q: Can I interact with other students and a live teacher in online German classes?

A: Yes, in online classes with a live teacher, you have the opportunity

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