German Simple Past Tense – Regular Verbs

Past Tense 2: Imperfect (das Imperfekt/Präteritum) The simple past/imperfect/preterite tense (das Präteritum/das Imperfekt) is the form of the past tense most often found in writing (i.e. narrative…

German Imperative

The imperative mood in German has several forms, and can be “softened” by adding flavoring particles (‘doch’ and ‘mal’) and the word ‘bitte’ (please). ‘Doch’…

The Dative Case in German

The dative case in German is one of the four German Cases and home of the indirect object, but it can also be used for indicating location.

German Present Perfect – Mixed Verbs

Mixed Verbs (gemischte Verben) Another category of verbs that display both strong and weak forms are the “mixed” verbs (gemischte Verben), otherwise known as weak irregular…

German Present Perfect – Regular Verbs

German Present Perfect Regular Verbs The present perfect is generally used in spoken language to express something that happened in the past. The preterite tense…

German Modal Verbs

German Modal verbs modify the content of the main verb of the sentence (i.e. the way or how something is done). The conjugated modal verb…

German Cardinal & Ordinal Numbers

In English and in German there are cardinal numbers, used for counting, calculating and staring years and age. Ordinal numbers are used to order or…

German Separable Prefix Verbs

Verbs with a separable prefix (trennbare Verben) Some verbs in German have a prefix attached to the verb stem. In some cases the prefix is not…

German Question Words

In English and in German, we can differentiate between two kinds of direct questions: “Ja/Nein Fragen” (Yes/No questions), or Ergänzungsfragen (problem questions).  1. Ja/Nein-Fragen/ Entscheidungsfragen …