3 Ways to Get More Out of Your Language Training Program
So, your company offers language training benefits to employees… and you are charged with managing the program. CORE regularly works with human resources professionals, benefits managers, and corporate administrators to develop language training program/s for businesses. Whether you’re new to overseeing this type of benefits program or are a seasoned pro looking for tips to make your offerings even better for your employees, here are three proven ways that you and your company can get more out of your language training program.
1. Help your language training provider find the best teacher match for your employees. There are many factors that go into the process of matching instructors to a language course, including location, curricular specialization, dialect or other linguistic focus, and previous teaching experience. CORE Languages also takes into account the corporate culture of our clients in finding a best-fit instructor, and genuine feedback from our point of contact in the company is much appreciated. Let us know whether the students in your program are on the more professional and reserved side, or if they’ll benefit from an instructor who instills humor into their course. Insight into our students’ personalities helps us arrange a strong instructor match, and no one knows our students better than you.
2. Ask for specific reporting based on your strategic goals. CORE is a data-driven company, and we use data points to track student success through course attendance, engagement with learning material, and formal assessments. We also know that you have specific internal goals for your language training program, often from your company’s strategic plan or upper management. It’s beneficial to take the time to have an open conversation with your team about what those goals are and how they can be measured. Then, by sharing that information with your language training company, you can together determine what type of reporting would best empower you to share the value and showcase the progress of your training program with your stakeholders. If you’re not sure where to start with this, we can help.
3. Expand your training coverage. We totally get it: providing employee benefits costs money and adding more services to a benefits package can be a tough sell. But benefit programs do have the potential to tangibly differentiate you from your peers when attracting top talent. We’ve seen again and again that two particular strategies have helped our clients increase their employee satisfaction with their language benefits. The first is adding an intercultural training program to complement a language training program (or vice versa). Language training and intercultural training go hand-in-hand for good reason. Cross-cultural communication is simply more effective when there’s a strong foundational understanding of not just what to say and how to say it, but also of the core elements of a culture that impact behavior and interpersonal relationships. The second strategy to consider is expanding coverage to include partners and children who accompany associates on international assignments. Offering support to the families of your employees signals your understanding of the challenges inherent in an international relocation and your commitment to providing thorough support for everyone involved. This serves a double purpose, both increasing employee satisfaction and making successful international assignments more viable for your most qualified associates, who have a variety of life and familial circumstances to consider.
Ready to take a big step forward in getting the most out of your language training program? Contact us today for a quote or to discuss your premier client account.