English Placement Test

English Placement Test

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Are you interested in studying English (English as a Second Language or English as a Foreign Language), but not sure where to start? Complete our 50 question placement test to find our recommended level.  Once you have completed the test, we will provide your results, showing which questions you got right and which ones are wrong.  We will also send a PDF with the questions completed and your answers. Then, study the content that will help you make the biggest improvement or start learning with one of our amazing instructors!

English Placement Test

English Placement Test

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Start: Ok... Here we go. Let's begin.

What can I ____________ to help you?
My sister is my best friend. We __________ very well.
I don't understand __________ you are saying.
Oh no, my computer crashed and I ________ all my files!
This is the man __________ car was stolen.
I don't know ___________.
The Transportation Security Agency asked John __________ his passport with him.
Why did she come to the United States? _____________ an English course.
___________ be late to work today.
She left after __________ her work.
I have to study for my final exam. _________ go out tonight.
We are in a lot of trouble. Our quarterly profits have _________.
These are your books. They are _________.
Are dogs as friendly as cats? No, dogs are usually _________ cats.
_______________? Yes it is.
__________ in San Francisco is expensive.
I'm excited to go to Italy! What _________ do we leave?
He suggests _________ early.
Where is Sally? She ________ school.
This is the book _________ I want to buy.
Anne is a colleague of _________.
Fred _________ me if I needed a degree in business to start my own business.
Please be on time! I ________ to miss the previews before the movie.
My brother is very athletic. He _______ soccer, football, and tennis.
Has anyone dealt with that problem? Yes, I've ___________.
There was a terrible storm last night. Hundreds of houses were __________.
Where __________ to high school?
She _________ she could win a million dollars.
Halloween is a day when children ________ and trick or treat for candy.
What do you do for a living? I am ___________.
The new Zumba class is _________ 9 am.
The Bible ________ written in several languages.
I need to remind ________ to lock the door because I don't want to forget.
___________? Yes, I went there.
The woman from Mexico is _____________.
Is this for you and your husband? No, it isn't for _________.
Sam walked to the store and bought _______ food.
"The meeting will begin at 3 pm," she said. She said the meeting _______ at 3 pm.
You look __________! Your hair is beautiful, and you look very put together.
It's necessary ________ if we want to make progress.
I like _____________.
What _______ she do? She's a flight attendant.
Would you like ________ you?
What are you doing right now? I am ______________.
This is my dress. This is ___________.
She asked, "Have you been here before?" She asked ____________ here before.
I have a ________ throat. Do you have the doctor's number?
I can't go to the party with you, because I _________ clean my room.
I enjoyed __________ with my family at the lake last summer.
He _______ have a job, so he has a lot of time.
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