About Course
These videos will equip you with the necessary vocabulary and grammatical Knowledge to continue improving your Spanish skills
Course Content
Additional Topics
Adjectives in Spanish with examples
Learn Spanish for Free or Improve your Spanish
Personal pronouns in Spanish in only a few minutes
When to use the verb Estar and how to conjugate it
Learn Spanish – ser conjugation examples
Learn the Spanish numbers from 10 to 20
What does DESPACITO really mean? (REAL MEANING)
Learn the personal pronouns in spanish
Learn how to say your age and the numbers in spanish from 30 to 40
Learn how to say the numbers in spanish 20 to 30
Spanish speaking countries Incredible facts
The Spanish Word of the day: ¿Por qué? – when and how to use ¿Por qué?
The Spanish Word of the Day: Vida Learn Spanish while you sleep
STOP! Making these mistakes in Spanish before it’s too late!
Adventures in The Atacama Desert Spanish Listening Activity
Learn all about ARGENTINIAN SPANISH in 10 minutes!
Spanish Past Participles
Spanish Future Tense
Spanish Conditional Tense
Spanish The Passive Voice (all tenses)
Spanish The Passive Voice (present tense)
Spanish The Superlative
Spanish The Comparative
Spanish Conditional Perfect Tense
Spanish Present Perfect Tense
Spanish Present Progressive Tense
Spanish Adverbs
Spanish Directional Prepositions
Spanish Expressions with “hacer”
Spanish Past Participles as Adjectives
Spanish Demonstrative Adjectives & Pronouns
Spanish Commands with Pronouns
Spanish Double Pronoun Order
Spanish Relative Pronouns
Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns
Spanish Direct Object Pronouns
Spanish Formal Commands
Spanish Informal Negative Commands
Spanish Informal Commands
Spanish Verbs “pedir” and “preguntar”
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