Spanish “Por” vs “Para”

Although both Spanish prepositions por and para can often be translated as “for,” they have separate meanings and can seldom be used as synonyms.
-Por is often used to indicate who performs an action or the reason for it being performed.
-Para is often used to indicate the result of an action being performed.
In Spanish the words POR and PARA both mean “for” but also serve many other uses depending on the context in which they are used. Tricky! Today we’re going to give you some easy tips and tricks for remembering the meanings of POR and PARA and the rules for using each one.
Let’s start with when to use POR:
- Means of travel or communication Hablamos por teléfono. We talk on the phone. Caminamos por el parque cuando vamos a la oficina. We walk through the park when we go to the office. El Verano pasado viajamos por Barcelona. Last summer we traveled through Barcelona.
- Detail an exchange of goods or services Te doy cinco dólares por esa camisa. I’ll give you $5 for that shirt.
- Duration of an activity or period of time Hicimos ejercicio por una hora. We worked out for an hour.
- Reason
Cocino por ti porque te quiero. I cook for you because I love you.
When to use PARA:
- Destination ¿Para dónde vas de vacaciones? Where are you going on vacation?
- Intended recipient El dinero es para Antonio. The money is not for Antonio. Mi ayuda no es para los perezososo. My help is not for lazy people.
- Deadline Ustedes tienen que terminar el proyecto para el viernes. You all have to finish your project by Friday.
- Purpose (“in order to”) *this case is usually seen with an infinitive form of the verb used
Necesito hacer ejercicio para ser saludable. I need to exercise to be healthy.
Estudio para tener éxito en la escuela. I study to be successful in school.
Summary of POR and PARA uses:
Means of travel | Destination |
Exchange | Intended recipient |
Time | Deadline |
Reason | Purpose |