Spanish Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

Fresh organic vegetables on rustic background

Demonstratives are quite often accompanied by pointing and gestures. Demonstratives fall into two categories: demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns.

Demonstrative adjectives are there to show you the space between you and an object, and identify the noun. Demonstrative adjectives are placed before the noun; while demonstrative pronouns replace the noun. The English translation is: This, These, That, Those.

The difference between demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns, is that demonstrative adjectives specify information, while demonstrative pronouns are used in a context where the speaker already knows what they are talking about. There is no need to repeat the information.

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns must match in gender and number, and are used quite often in regular conversation. You will need to know them to show the location of something you are talking about.

The following chart will show you what pronoun you will use depending on how far from you the object is located.

Short distance                    Medium distance                  Far distance
Masc-Sing.Este- This one          Ese –That oneaquel- That one over there
Masc Plur.  Estos-These  Esos- Thoseaquellos- Those over there
Fem Sing.Esta- This one                      Esa-That one              aquella- That one over there
Fem Plur.Estas TheseEsas- Those            aquellas- Those over there

Me gustan estos zapatos que traigo – I love these shoes I am wearing.

Voy a comprar esos zapatos que están allá I am going to buy those shoes over there.

Las pinturas en aquel estante son muy bellas. The paintings on those shelves are very pretty.

Este and Esos are demonstrative pronouns and look similar to demonstrative adjectives, but demonstrative pronouns replace the noun in the sentence. Demonstrative pronouns were always written with an accent éstos,éstas, ésos,ésas, and you may see them written that way, however it is not required anymore.

Mi carro es más bonito que éste. My car is prettier than this one.

Yo quiero comprar ese carro. I want to buy that car.

Spanish demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns describe how far something or someone is from the speaker. They refer to a physical or temporal distance. Demonstrative adjectives come before a noun, while demonstrative pronouns replace it. They can be translated as ‘this’, ‘these, ‘that’ and ‘those’.

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