Japanese Word of the Day: 会計 (Kaikei)
Title: Japanese Word of the Day: 会計 (Kaikei)
Hello, language enthusiasts! Today’s Japanese word of the day is “会計” or “Kaikei”.
会計 (Kaikei) is a noun that translates to “accounting” or “settlement of accounts”. It’s often used in a business context and refers to the process of recording, summarizing, and analyzing financial… -
Italian Word of the Day: ContabilitÃ
🇮🇹 Italian Word of the Day: Contabilità 📊
📝 Definition: Contabilità means “accounting” in English. It refers to the practice or profession of maintaining financial records.
🗣️ Example sentence: La contabilità è fondamentale per monitorare le entrate e le uscite finanziarie di un’azienda. (Accounting is essential for monitoring the financial…
French Word of the Day: Comptabilité
Word of the Day: Comptabilité
Definition: Comptabilité is a French term which translates to “accounting” in English. It refers to the systematic recording, reporting, and analysis of financial transactions of a business.
Example Sentence: “Mon frère étudie la comptabilité à l’université.”
(Translation: My brother is studying accounting at… -
English Word of the Day: Accounting
**English Word of the Day**: Accounting
**Part of Speech**: Noun
**Definition**: The process of recording, summarizing, analyzing, and reporting financial transactions of a business to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities.
**Example Sentence**: My brother has always been good with numbers, so he decided to…
Spanish Word of the Day: Contabilidad
🎉Spanish Word of the Day: “Contabilidad”
Definition: Contabilidad is the science that teaches the proper method of keeping accounts. It refers to the systematic recording, reporting, and analysis of financial transactions of a business.
Use it in a sentence!
“Tomo un curso de contabilidad para aprender a gestionar mejor mi negocio.”
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