How do I add my Teaching Availability?
To edit your teaching availability, you will need to first log in to the CORE CONNECT webapp by logging into You will be directed to your dashboard. Click the My Profile Tab in the center of the screen (see image below).

From your profile, you will be able to complete everything needed to be found by our administrative team and by our clients and students. Click the blue Actions button and select Set Availability.

Click Set Availability to become visible to clients and students who wish to book a class with you directly. If you do not add availability, your teacher profile will not be shown to clients and students along with the other teachers who do select this option. Add availability one day at a time or add your availability over a period of weeks or months by clicking Mass Create at the top left of the Availability Calendar.

Set the day you wish your availability to begin and end. Help yourself out by updating blocks of time, for example half a year at a time.
- Select the days of the week you wish to be available.
- Select the start and end time of your availability block and the click save.
- (Would you like to add two blocks so each day, for example 8:00am to 10:00am and the 2:00pm to 6:00pm? Simply repeat this process for the same days twice (make sure in this situation not to check the Clear selected days box)
- Once the period has passed where you have set your availability, you will need to repeat this process so that you remain visible to clients and students. For example, if you set your availability until the end of the year, you will need to come back before January to add in your availability for the new year.