
Spanish Word of the Day: Normas

  • Spanish Word of the Day: Normas

    Posted by Alex on September 10, 2024 at 8:08 AM

    CORE Languages Spanish Study Group

    🌟 Spanish Word of the Day 🌟

    ➡️ Normas

    Normas in English means guidelines or rules. These are an established procedure or norm that people should follow in societies, institutions, or organizations to maintain order and discipline.

    For example, “La escuela tiene normas estrictas sobre la asistencia que todos los estudiantes deben cumplir.”

    Translation: “The school has strict attendance rules that all students must comply with.”

    Remember, ‘normas’ are essential in every aspect of life to ensure smooth operations and harmonious co-existence.

    Keep learning and improving your Spanish skills with CORE Languages!

    Alex replied 5 months, 1 week ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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