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Japanese Word of the Day: ロジスティクス (Rojisutikusu)
Japanese Word of the Day: ロジスティクス (Rojisutikusu)
🌸 Japanese Word of the Day 🌸
Word: ロジスティクス (Rojisutikusu)
Definition: This is a borrowed word from the English language and it means ‘Logistics’. Logistics is the part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward, and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer’s requirements.
Example Sentence:
(Kigyō wa kokyaku no yōkyū o mitasu tame ni, kōritsuteki katsu kōkateki na rojisutikusu o keikaku, jisshi shi, seigyo shimasu.)Translation:
Companies plan, implement, and control efficient and effective logistics to meet customer requirements.Keep practicing and stay tuned for more ‘Word of the Day’ posts! 🍣🇯🇵
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