
German Word of the Day: Verkaufsförderung

  • German Word of the Day: Verkaufsförderung

    Posted by Alex on September 16, 2024 at 6:53 AM

    CORE Languages German Study Group

    Post Title: German Word of the Day: Verkaufsförderung

    Hello, Language Enthusiasts! It’s time for our German Word of the Day! Today’s word is:


    What does it mean? Verkaufsförderung can be translated as ‘sales promotion’. It refers to the techniques or strategies used by companies to encourage consumers to purchase their products or services.

    Let’s use it in a sentence:

    “Das Unternehmen investiert viel in Verkaufsförderung, um seine Produkte besser zu vermarkten.”

    Translation: “The company invests a lot in sales promotion in order to market its products better.”

    Keep practicing your German skills and stay tuned for more vocabulary enrichment with our Word of the Day! Bis zum nächsten Mal! (Until next time!)

    Alex replied 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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