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German Word of the Day: Unternehmenswerte
German Word of the Day: Unternehmenswerte
Title: German Word of the Day: Unternehmenswerte
Definition: “Unternehmenswerte” refers to “company values” in English. These are the core principles that guide the way a business operates, shapes its culture, drives decision-making, and influences the overall behavior of the company.
Example in a German sentence: “Die Unternehmenswerte unseres Unternehmens sind Ehrlichkeit, Respekt und Verantwortung.”
Translation: “The company values of our company are honesty, respect and responsibility.”
Incorporate the “Unternehmenswerte” into your German vocabulary and you’ll be able to discuss ethics and standards in a professional environment more effectively. Stay tuned for more useful words in our German Word of the Day series!
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