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German Word of the Day: Energieeffizienz
German Word of the Day: Energieeffizienz
Title: German Word of the Day: Energieeffizienz
Hello everyone! Our German Word of the Day is “Energieeffizienz”.
Definition: Energieeffizienz refers to the ratio of a system’s output of performance, service, goods, or energy, to the input of energy. In simpler words, it is about being efficient with the usage of energy.
Example in a German Sentence:
“Die neuen Solarmodule im Haus steigern unsere Energieeffizienz erheblich.”
(This sentence translates to, “The new solar panels in the house significantly increase our energy efficiency.”)Remember that an ‘ie’ in German is pronounced like ‘ee’ in English, and ‘z’ is pronounced ‘ts’.
Keep practicing and make sure to use “Energieeffizienz” in your conversations today! Bis Morgen!
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