
German Word of the Day: eine Präsentation halten

  • German Word of the Day: eine Präsentation halten

    Posted by Alex on August 31, 2024 at 7:05 AM

    CORE Languages German Study Group

    🇩🇪 German Word of the Day: “eine Präsentation halten”

    Meaning: To give a presentation.

    “eine Präsentation halten” is a German phrase where “eine” is an indefinite article meaning “a”, “Präsentation” translates to “presentation”, and “halten” is a verb that means “to hold”, but in this context, it translates to “give”. Put together, this phrase means “to give a presentation”.

    Example in a sentence:
    “Am nächsten Donnerstag muss ich in der Schule eine Präsentation halten.”
    (Next Thursday, I have to give a presentation at school.)

    Keep practicing and stay tuned for more “word of the day” posts to enhance your German vocabulary! 🇩🇪📚

    Alex replied 5 months, 2 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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