
German Word of the Day: eine E-Mail schreiben

  • German Word of the Day: eine E-Mail schreiben

    Posted by Alex on September 6, 2024 at 7:06 AM

    CORE Languages German Study Group

    Post Title: German Word of the Day: eine E-Mail schreiben

    Hello all! Today’s German Word of the Day is “eine E-Mail schreiben.”

    Definition: It translates to “to write an email” in English. It is composed of three parts – ‘eine’ (a/an), ‘E-Mail’ (email), and ‘schreiben’ (to write).

    Example sentence: “Ich muss meinem Lehrer eine E-Mail schreiben, um einen Termin für ein Treffen zu vereinbaren.”
    (Translates to: I need to write an email to my teacher to schedule a meeting.)

    Remember, “E-Mail” in German is just like in English, demonstrating how languages can influence each other!

    To learn more phrases and improve your German, turn to CORE Languages! We‘re devoted to helping you reach your language goals. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s Word of the Day!

    Bis bald! (See you soon!)

    Alex replied 5 months, 1 week ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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