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Alex started the discussion Czech Word of the Day: Bezpečnost in the forum Czech Vocabulary 5 months ago
Czech Word of the Day: Bezpečnost
Post Title: Czech Word of the Day – ‘Bezpečnost’
Hello, Language Learners! The Czech Word of The Day is ‘Bezpečnost.’
Definition: Bezpečnost (pronounced bezpech-nost) is a Czech term which translates to ‘Security’ or ‘Safety’ in English. It is commonly used in different contexts around protection, wellbeing, or even referring to…
Alex started the discussion Czech Word of the Day: Politika in the forum Czech Vocabulary 5 months ago
Czech Word of the Day: Politika
Title: Czech Word of the Day: Politika
Hello language enthusiasts! Our Czech Word of the Day is “Politika”.
Politika (pronounced pol-lee-ti-ka) is the Czech word for “Politics”. It encompasses the activities associated with the governance of a country or an area.Example Sentence:
Czech: “Je velmi důležité sledovat… -
Alex started the discussion Czech Word of the Day: Předpisy in the forum Czech Vocabulary 5 months ago
Czech Word of the Day: Předpisy
Title: Czech Word of the Day: Předpisy
Hello fellow language enthusiasts! Today’s Czech Word of the Day is ‘Předpisy’.
‘Předpisy’ in English translates to ‘regulations’. It’s a collective term used to indicate rules or directives made and maintained by an authority.
Let’s see how to use ‘Předpisy’ in a sentence:
Czech: “Je důležité…
Alex started the discussion Czech Word of the Day: Normy in the forum Czech Vocabulary 5 months ago
Post Title: Czech Word of the Day – “Normy”
Czech Word: Normy
English Translation: Standards
Definition: Normy refers to the rules or principles that are accepted to be usual or right. It’s often used in business context discussing quality control, legal agreements, or ethical considerations.
Example Sentence in Czech: Dodržujeme vysoké…
Alex started the discussion Czech Word of the Day: Shoda in the forum Czech Vocabulary 5 months ago
Post title: Czech Word of the Day: Shoda
Hello Language Enthusiasts! Today’s Czech word of the day is ‘Shoda’.
Shoda is a Czech word which translates to ‘Agreement’ in English. It represents consensus, harmony or mutual understanding between people or things.
Here’s how you can use ‘Shoda’ in a sentence:
Czech: “Došli jsme konečně k…
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