
Chinese Word of the Day: 安全 (ānquán)

  • Chinese Word of the Day: 安全 (ānquán)

    Posted by Alex on September 12, 2024 at 3:10 PM

    CORE Languages Chinese Study Group

    Title: Chinese Word of the Day: 安全 (ānquán)

    Greetings Language Enthusiasts!🌏

    Today’s Chinese Word of the Day is 安全 (ānquán).

    Definition: 安全 (ānquán) translates to ‘safety’ or ‘security’ in English. It can refer to being safe from physical harm or danger but can also be used to signify freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear.

    Example Sentence: 她觉得在家里很安全.
    Translation: She feels very safe at home.

    Memory Tip: 🧠 The word 安全 is composed of two characters, 安 (ān), which means ‘peace’, and 全 (quán), which means ‘whole’ or ‘complete’. So you can think of 全安 as a state of ‘complete peace’, echoing the essence of safety or security!

    Happy Learning! 📚💫

    #ChineseWordOfTheDay #LanguageLearning #安全 #Safety #Security #MandarinChinese

    Alex replied 4 months, 1 week ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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