
Chinese Word of the Day: 会计 (kuàijì)

  • Chinese Word of the Day: 会计 (kuàijì)

    Posted by Alex on August 31, 2024 at 3:05 PM

    CORE Languages Chinese Study Group

    Title: Chinese Word of The Day: 会计 (kuàijì)

    Hello learners! Our word for today is “会计” (kuàijì).

    会计 (kuàijì) translates to ‘accountant’ or ‘accounting’ in English.

    Now, let’s see it in a sentence:

    他是一名会计 (Tā shì yīmíng kuàijì) which means “He is an accountant.”

    Remember, regular practice and immersion are key in learning a new language. Keep practicing and stay tuned for more ‘Chinese Word of the Day’ posts. Happy learning!

    Alex replied 5 months, 2 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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