
English Prepositions

Adult African American father next to daughter plays the synthesizer

This unit introduces prepositions, including those that deal with time and place/location. A preposition is a word that expresses a relation between one entity in a clause to another. It connects a noun to the rest of a sentence.
Prepositions can indicate a time, a location, a relationship between two nouns.

Common prepositions:
about, after, against, at, between, by, down, for, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, out, over, since, through, until, to, towards, under, until, up, with, without.


There is a worm  in the apple. (preposition of place)
There is a bus stop down the street. (preposition of place)
The child is next to her father. (preposition of place)

We will meet in the afternoon. (preposition of time)
I get up at 6.00 am every day. (preposition of time)
We couldn’t talk during the exam. (preposition of time)

Let’s bake a cake with chocolate chips. (preposition links “cake” and “chocolate chips”)
I would like some water with my dinner. (preposition links “water” and “dinner”)
Julia will ride with Sam. (preposition linking Julia and Sam)

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