Best Spanish Books for learning Spanish as a Beginner to Intermediate Learner

Best Spanish Books for learning Spanish as a Beginner to Intermediate Learner

Looking for a great Spanish book to help you learn Spanish? Reading is a fun way to expand your vocabulary and practice more difficult topics at your own pace. Find a great book and it becomes fun to do… Look no further! We have compiled a list of the top 16 easy-to-read Spanish books for Spanish learners as well as a link to the books for you to review further. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, there is a book on this list that is perfect for you. These books are not only great for improving your Spanish language skills, but they are also enjoyable reads that will keep you entertained and engaged.

  1. “El Principito” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéryir?t=wwwcorelangua 20&language=en US&l=li2&o=1&a=8498381495

“El Principito” (The Little Prince) is a classic children’s book that has been translated into over 300 languages. The story is about a young prince who travels to different planets and learns important life lessons along the way. This book is perfect for beginners as it is easy to read and understand.

  1. “La Casa de Bernarda Alba” by Federico García Lorca

“La Casa de Bernarda Alba” (The House of Bernarda Alba) is a play written by Federico García Lorca, one of Spain’s most famous playwrights. The play is about the lives of five women who live in a small village in Spain. This book is great for advanced learners who want to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary.

  1. “Cien años de soledad” by Gabriel García Márquez

“Cien años de soledad” (One Hundred Years of Solitude) is a masterpiece of Latin American literature written by Gabriel García Márquez. The book is about the Buendía family and their lives in the fictional town of Macondo. This book is a great choice for advanced learners who want to challenge themselves with more complex vocabulary and sentence structures.

  1. “Don Quijote de la Mancha” by Miguel de Cervantes

“Don Quijote de la Mancha” (Don Quixote) is a classic novel written by Miguel de Cervantes. The book is about a man named Alonso Quixano who becomes obsessed with chivalric romances and sets out on a quest to become a knight. This book is a great choice for advanced learners who want to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary.

  1. “La casa en Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros

“La casa en Mango Street” (The House on Mango Street) is a coming-of-age novel written by Sandra Cisneros. The book is about a young girl named Esperanza who grows up in a poor neighborhood in Chicago. This book is a great choice for intermediate learners who want to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary.

  1. “El coronel no tiene quien le escriba” by Gabriel García Márquez

“El coronel no tiene quien le escriba” (No One Writes to the Colonel) is a novella written by Gabriel García Márquez. The book is about an old colonel who is waiting for his pension and struggling to survive in a small village in Colombia. This book is a great choice for intermediate learners who want to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary.

  1. “Como agua para chocolate” by Laura Esquivel

“Como agua para chocolate” (Like Water for Chocolate) is a novel written by Laura Esquivel. The book is about a young woman named Tita who is forbidden to marry her true love and instead spends her life cooking for her family. This book is a great choice for intermediate learners who want to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary.

  1. “El amor en los tiempos del cólera” by Gabriel García Márquez

“El amor en los tiempos del cólera” (Love in the Time of Cholera) is a novel written by Gabriel García Márquez. The

book is about a love story that spans over 50 years and takes place in the Caribbean. This book is a great choice for advanced learners who want to challenge themselves with more complex vocabulary and sentence structures.

  1. “Nada” by Carmen Laforet

“Nada” (Nothing) is a novel written by Carmen Laforet. The book is about a young woman named Andrea who moves to Barcelona to study at university and becomes involved with a dysfunctional family. This book is a great choice for intermediate learners who want to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary.

  1. “El laberinto de la soledad” by Octavio Paz

“El laberinto de la soledad” (The Labyrinth of Solitude) is a collection of essays written by Octavio Paz. The book is about the Mexican identity and the struggles of the Mexican people. This book is a great choice for advanced learners who want to challenge themselves with more complex vocabulary and sentence structures.

  1. “La tregua” by Mario Benedetti

“La tregua” (The Truce) is a novel written by Mario Benedetti. The book is about a man named Martín who is nearing retirement and begins a relationship with a younger woman. This book is a great choice for intermediate learners who want to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary.

  1. “Rayuela” by Julio Cortázar

“Rayuela” (Hopscotch) is a novel written by Julio Cortázar. The book is about a man named Horacio Oliveira who travels to Paris and becomes involved with a group of intellectuals. This book is a great choice for advanced learners who want to challenge themselves with more complex vocabulary and sentence structures.

  1. “Cuentos de Eva Luna” by Isabel Allende

“Cuentos de Eva Luna” (The Stories of Eva Luna) is a collection of short stories written by Isabel Allende. The stories are about the lives of women in Latin America and their struggles. This book is a great choice for intermediate learners who want to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary.

  1. “Los pasos perdidos” by Alejo Carpentier

“Los pasos perdidos” (The Lost Steps) is a novel written by Alejo Carpentier. The book is about a man named Leo who travels to the Venezuelan jungle to find inspiration for his music. This book is a great choice for advanced learners who want to challenge themselves with more complex vocabulary and sentence structures.

  1. “La ciudad y los perros” by Mario Vargas Llosa

“La ciudad y los perros” (The Time of the Hero) is a novel written by Mario Vargas Llosa. The book is about a group of students at a military school in Lima, Peru, and their struggles with violence and corruption. This book is a great choice for advanced learners who want to challenge themselves with more complex vocabulary and sentence structures.

  1. “La sombra del viento” by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

“La sombra del viento” (The Shadow of the Wind) is a novel written by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. The book is about a young boy named Daniel who discovers a mysterious book in a hidden library and becomes obsessed with finding out more about the author. This book is a great choice for intermediate learners who want to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary.

In conclusion, reading Spanish books is a great way to improve your language skills and immerse yourself in the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. This list of 16 easy-to-read Spanish books for Spanish learners provides a variety of options for all levels of learners. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, there is a book on this list that is perfect for you. These books are not only great for improving your Spanish language skills, but they are also enjoyable reads that will keep you entertained and engaged. By reading these books, you will not only be able to expand your vocabulary and improve your comprehension, but you will also gain a deeper understanding of the cultures and societies that make up the Spanish-speaking world. So, grab a book from this list and start reading today!

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