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5 Free Ways to Learn Spanish

At this point in life, you have probably figured out that learning Spanish is a must in today’s America. Perhaps you have been searching for the easiest way to do that without taking extra time out of your day. Or maybe you want to know the best place to learn Spanish. Or maybe you are looking for the best way to learn Spanish, but you do not have extra funds. You need free ways to learn Spanish. Here are a few. The first one might surprise you.


Learn Spanish at Your Job

Yes, immersion and interaction in the target language is always the best way to learn a language. And interacting with customers and even fellow workers will easily improve your Spanish. Although immersion is the best method, it can come with frustration and a sense of being completely lost. So, what if you could get professional instruction during Spanish language training sessions while you are on the job at zero cost to you? With CORE Languages you can do just that! We offer language training sessions– a type of professional development paid for by companies across the globe to increase employees’ ability to communicate in the language of their choice. Sessions can be held in your workspace, in a conference room, or even off site via virtual language training sessions. Classes can be individual or group. These sessions are absolutely free to you as the employee. All costs are covered by your employer. Ask your supervisor about the possibility of adding language training to your professional development sessions today!

Free Language Training- All employees welcomeUse Language Learning Apps

Another free way to learn Spanish is to use one of the many language learning apps. One language learning app that offers you all of its learning features for free is Duolingo. You will have access to all of their learning materials for all of the available languages. If you want apps in addition to Duolingo, you can choose from the top 5 most downloaded language learning apps. The other apps will have free and paid features. These apps claim that Making progress in your Spanish language abilities can happen by spending as little as 15 minutes per day in the app’s activities. Depending on the app you choose, you may also have access to free online classes with native speakers either individually or in groups. For a summary of the 5 most downloaded language apps’ features, check out this article.

Canva Design DAFA9Q5OYNkUse Social Media

Social media is not just for connecting with friends and family, it can be a wonderful tool to connect with language partners. They can help you learn a language from the comforts of your own home and for free. Use social media to help you learn Spanish by searching for Spanish learning groups. You want to join groups with a high number of members and high interaction. If you ever have a Spanish-related question, if Google does not have the answer, you can come to the group and get your answer. In addition to joining language learning groups, you can follow social media accounts that are focused on teaching Spanish and about Hispanic culture. These accounts will be invaluable in your Spanish journey, since they are like free Spanish teachers. As with the selection of language learning groups that you join, you should follow accounts with lots of followers, interaction, and quality content.

Canva Design DAE4bLvHLAwFind Spanish Language Partners

Another free option for language learning is to find language partners. The best-case scenario would be if you had a friend who is a native Spanish speaker or who is a fellow Spanish learner. Maybe you connected with someone from the Spanish learning group you joined. You could also check online for local Spanish meetups that meet periodically. Finding a native language partner gives you the advantage of knowing that you will be hearing the correct pronunciation, grammatical structure, and constructs 100% of the time. Meeting with fellow language learners offers the advantage of having someone who knows the difficulties of the Spanish language and how to overcome them. Meetups are good for immersing yourself in the Spanish language. If you meet up at an authentic restaurant, you can also immerse yourself in the culture as well.

Canva Design DAFA9gvsPXMFind an Authentic Hispanic Environment

Another potentially free option for learning Spanish is to find an authentic environment where Spanish is spoken. A Hispanic store serves as a perfect place to experience an immersive experience into the Spanish language and Hispanic culture. If you are up for spending a few bucks you can visit an authentic Hispanic restaurant. Be careful with this one. Some restaurants are Tex-Mex (Texas style of Mexican food) and may not be authentic, so you may find it difficult to find a native Spanish speaker. Search Google for Mexican, Colombian, Peruvian, or 16 other authentic types of Hispanic restaurants. See this article for a full list of Spanish-speaking countries. For those who are religious, or even those who are not, another free authentic environment would be Spanish-speaking church. In the United States, you may be able to find both Catholic and protestant options within a one-hour radius of you. Visiting a place of worship guarantees an immersive experience. Another immersive context would be a music or dance gathering. Maybe there’s mariachi or reggae playing in a local bar somewhere or a weekly salsa group that meets. Check Facebook or ask in your local Hispanic store to see what authentic experiences are available near you!

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For access to free Spanish lessons, check out our free Spanish content course page where you will find user-friendly Spanish grammar lessons. To learn Spanish online, sign up for one of our online Spanish classes as a paid option.

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